Purple Treatment, a premier addiction recovery center based in Atlanta, Georgia, stands out from other recovery houses in Atlanta due to our unique approach to long term addiction recovery. Our focus isn't just on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, but also on building a supportive community that aids in maintaining sobriety long-term.

The road to recovery should not be walked alone. A powerful support network plays an essential role in successful recovery and continued sobriety. At Purple Treatment, we understand this and have created an environment that encourages the formation of such networks through our Alumni Program.

With Purple Treatment, you're not just joining a treatment program; you're becoming part of a family. Whether you're searching for “long term recovery programs” or looking for a comprehensive approach to long term addiction recovery, Purple Treatment is your new home.

long term recovery programs

Understanding the Purple Treatment Approach

We believe that overcoming substance abuse is more than just detoxification; it's about building a new, sober life and a supportive community around you.

Our Regimen program is a comprehensive, long-term residential program that promotes successful, long-term recovery. It is an intensive six-month program that includes adventure-based activities, therapy, and peer support groups. These activities are not just treatments but are stepping stones towards creating a healthier lifestyle.

At Purple Treatment, we understand that recovery is an ongoing process. This is why we have an open-door policy, where alumni are always welcome to return and participate in any activities.

The Alumni Program: Building a Brotherhood

The Purple Treatment Alumni Program is more than just an aftercare plan; it's a community, a brotherhood that continues the journey of recovery together. From group therapy sessions and Friday night hang-outs to camping and workshops for families, this program is among the unique features that distinguish us from other recovery houses in Atlanta.

Our alumni program is designed to provide continuous support, encouragement, and resources to those who have completed our rigorous regimen. It offers a platform where alumni can connect, share their experiences, and continue participating in long term recovery programs, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

What sets our alumni program apart is the sense of brotherhood it cultivates. While many recovery centers may offer alumni programs, at Purple Treatment, we strive to make everyone feel like they belong to a larger family. Our alumni are not just former patients; they are brothers who have shared experiences and challenges and who continue to support each other in their long term addiction recovery.

By joining the Purple Treatment Alumni Program, you're not only committing to your recovery but also becoming part of a brotherhood that understands your experiences and supports your continued growth.

Benefits of the Alumni Program

The benefits of the Purple Treatment Alumni Program extend far beyond typical long term recovery programs. It offers emotional support, continued learning, personal growth, and a strong connection to the recovery community.

Emotional Support

Emotional support and camaraderie are at the heart of our alumni program. As you transition from the structured environment of our addiction recovery center to a more independent lifestyle, having a supportive network can make all the difference. Our alumni family provides just that - a group of individuals who are there to offer support when needed.

Continued Learning

Personal growth and continued learning are also key aspects of our program. We believe that recovery is an ongoing journey, and learning doesn't stop once you leave our recovery houses in Atlanta. Through our program, alumni have access to educational resources, workshops, and events that promote personal growth and continued sobriety.

Stay Connected

Our alumni program helps you stay connected to the recovery community. Whether you're looking for long-term recovery programs or seeking advice from those who've walked the same path, our alumni program ensures you're always connected to a community that cares.

The Purple Treatment Alumni Program is not just about maintaining sobriety; it's about building a fulfilling, meaningful life post-recovery.

Join Our Family At Purple Treatment

The Purple Treatment Alumni Program is more than just a support network; it's a brotherhood that grows stronger with every individual who joins us. It is an integral part of our commitment to provide holistic treatment and foster a sober lifestyle.

This program reinforces the value of continuous support, camaraderie, personal growth, and connection to the recovery community. It serves as a testament to our dedication to not only help individuals overcome addiction but also to thrive in their post-recovery lives.

We invite you to join our brotherhood, whether you're seeking long-term recovery programs or looking for recovery houses in Atlanta. As a part of the Purple Treatment family, you'll gain more than sobriety; you'll gain a community that understands your journey and supports your continued growth.